"Wonder" by R.J. Palacio is a heartwarming novel that tells the story of August "Auggie" Pullman, a 10-year-old boy who was born with a severe facial deformity. The book follows Auggie's journey as he enters the fifth grade and attends a mainstream school for the first time. The story is told from the perspectives of Auggie, his sister Via, and some of their friends.

Wonder by R. J. Palacio | E-Book Readers | Book Summary 2023

Part One: Ordinary

The first part of the book introduces us to Auggie and his family. Auggie was born with a rare facial deformity called mandibulofacial dysostosis, which has required him to undergo many surgeries throughout his life. His parents have made the decision to homeschool him until fifth grade, but they believe it's time for him to start attending a regular school.

Part Two: The Summer

In the second part of the book, we learn more about Auggie's family and their experiences. Auggie has an older sister named Via, who has always felt overshadowed by her brother's medical condition. Via has a best friend named Miranda, but their friendship becomes strained when Miranda starts attending a different high school.

Part Three: The School Year

The third part of the book follows Auggie as he begins his first year of school at Beecher Prep. Auggie is nervous about starting school, but he quickly makes friends with Summer, a kind girl who is new to the school. Auggie also meets Jack Will, who becomes his closest friend at school.

As Auggie adjusts to his new school, he faces many challenges. He is bullied by a boy named Julian, who makes fun of his appearance and tries to turn the other kids against him. Auggie also has a difficult time fitting in with his classmates and dealing with the attention his appearance attracts.

Part Four: Halloween

The fourth part of the book focuses on Halloween, which is a big event at Beecher Prep. Auggie decides to dress up as Boba Fett from Star Wars, but he is disappointed when he overhears some of his classmates making fun of his costume. Auggie decides to stay home on Halloween, but his sister Via convinces him to come out and trick-or-treat with her and her friends.

Part Five: The Deal

In the fifth part of the book, Auggie and Jack Will have a falling out after Jack is peer pressured by Julian and some of the other boys to exclude Auggie from their group. Auggie is devastated by Jack's betrayal, but he eventually forgives him after they have an honest conversation about what happened.

Part Six: Letters, Emails, Facebook, Texts

The final part of the book is told through a series of letters and emails written by Auggie's classmates, his sister Via, and some of the adults in his life. These letters show how much Auggie has impacted the lives of those around him and how much he has grown and changed throughout the school year.

Key Points

The key points of "Wonder" are the importance of kindness, empathy, and acceptance. Throughout the book, we see how Auggie's appearance affects not only his own life but the lives of those around him. We see how small acts of kindness and empathy can make a big difference, and we see the devastating effects of bullying and exclusion.

One of the most important themes of the book is the idea that it's okay to be different. Auggie is a unique and special individual, and his differences are what make him who he is. The book encourages us to celebrate our differences and to embrace those who are different from us.

Another key point of the book is the idea that everyone has their own struggles and challenges. The book shows us that Auggie's appearance is just one aspect of his life, and that he is a complex individual with his own thoughts, feelings, and experiences. We see how Auggie's family members, friends, and classmates all have their own struggles and challenges, and how they can support each other through these difficulties.

The book also explores the theme of identity, particularly through the character of Via. Via has always felt like she is in the shadow of her brother's medical condition, and she struggles to define herself outside of this role. We see how Via's experiences help her to understand the importance of accepting and loving ourselves for who we are, rather than trying to fit into a certain mold.

Finally, "Wonder" highlights the power of storytelling and perspective. The book is told from multiple perspectives, which allows us to see the same events from different angles. This helps us to understand the complexity of the characters and their motivations, and to empathize with their struggles. The book shows us that everyone has their own story, and that by listening and understanding each other's perspectives, we can build connections and create a more inclusive and compassionate world.


In conclusion, "Wonder" is a beautiful and powerful book that teaches us important lessons about kindness, empathy, acceptance, and the power of storytelling. Through the experiences of Auggie and his family and friends, we learn about the challenges of living with a medical condition, the importance of celebrating our differences, and the transformative effects of small acts of kindness. The book encourages us to see beyond appearances and to embrace the complexity and richness of the human experience. By highlighting the perspectives and struggles of multiple characters, "Wonder" shows us the importance of empathy and understanding in building connections and creating a more inclusive and compassionate world.